Consumers make numerous choices while picking a product. Is it an environment-friendly product? Is it also safe to use on their sensitive skins?
As our world continuously searches for ways to protect the environment, how products interact with our habitat becomes more and more important day by day. Therefore, choosing a fiber that is environmentally friendly, keeps both the consumers and environment healthy.
Cotton’s reliability, compared to other fibers, grows stronger each day as it helps us to overcome the environmental challenges we face today.
Cotton is;

  • Natural,
  • Biodegradable,
  • Compostable,
  • Hypoallergenic,
  • Plastic-free,
  • Safe and free of chemicals.

Cotton has a high absorbency rate and it can retain water up to 27 times of its own weight at its saturation point which makes it great for tampons, liners and pads, and it becomes 30% stronger when it is wet but still maintains its natural feel.
Cotton breathes easily thanks to its unique fiber structure. Moreover, cotton’s softness makes it a universally preferred fabric for underwear and other garments worn directly on the skin.

As for the Turkish Cotton;

  • It has more threads and more threads mean more absorbency,
  • It has a long-lasting texture and natural shine,
  • Its diameter naturally narrow and it has long fibers; meaning more threads can fit into the cloth per square inch.

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